Robo-FTP 2.1.0
Secure script-driven Windows FTP client with 100+ commands supporting 128-bit SSL and SSH secure servers and integrated PGP…
Magic File Renamer 5.3b
Magic File Renamer is a powerful tool to rename multiple filenames at once. It offers an extensive set of 30 advanced filters which you can…
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Home > Alias wavefront software

Ewisoft Template Builder 1.1
Web templates bring you publicity and customs, but how to stop users from removing your logos and hyperlinks? Ewisoft Template Builder…
ApexDiet 1.0
ApexDiet makes it easy to lose weight. Simply enter your current and target weight, tell ApexDiet what percent of the weight you'd like to…
HyperCoder Standard Edition 1.1.0
HyperCoder; an advanced programmers editor designed to streamline your work flow, from project management, tasks lists, quick jump function…

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